In a visual field a thing which doesn't coincide with itself is a blurry thing whose position cannot but be approximated. This would correspond to an epistemology based on uncertainty - unlike the Western knowledge relying on truth and certainty, on identity and fixity of laws underpinning a logical system or a scientific theory. That is perhaps why blurry images bring about fear of unknown and are associated with terrorism, forensics, criminology or disabled sight thus poor logic.
A thing which doesn't coincide with itself is a frightful micro-cosmology. Healthy thought ceaselessly introduces a succession of time or a minimum causality in order to distance the indistinguishably different points and soften up the reasoning process. Usually, in classical philosophy time has privilege over space, so that space is created in time, one cannot think the emergence of form and space without the ticking causality of time, emergence without anteriority. Blurred thinking or better said patho-logical thinking (patho-logical is collapsing the logic of sense, of pathos and an impaired, diseased logic, a counterintuitive, stubborn and humiliating logic) can only grasp the necessity of uncertainty, of a blunt identity, of emergence without anteriority.
A diseased world from which time has been severed is a suffocating breathless world of absolute instance, of infinitesimal nowness where emergence equals eternity and events don't happen, they just are, frozen in a snapshot of overlapping actualized potentials. It is a deaf vibrancy, a non-acoustic oscillation of matter-strings, a traumatic sensorium, an inhuman regime. It is not anymore a vibrant matter(l) which folded onto a plane produces an unstable map of forces and trajectories, but a stabile instability, a map of the untraceable, the unrepresentable only a sadistic, suicidal thought could try to think. A productive paralysis similar with the "cruel thought" of Antonin Artaud. This collapse of movement and stability, this grounding of the ungroundable would be a world at the limit of thought, without process, a world of contradiction and paradox, of despair and catastrophic reason.
In mathematics, a point which doesn't coincide with itself is a collapse of a regime of representation, the one made available and habitual by the Cartesian coordinates, where two values - the abscissa respectively the ordinate - determine uniquely a point. Taking seriously a non-Euclidean geometry (where there exist two lines that never will or can meet) and thinking intensely two different points with the same coordinates (a contradictory identity) can produce psychic unrest and nervous breakdowns. Under this regime of representation coming infinitely close to nonrepresentation, where analogy is out of place and analysis is close enough to paralysis new corrupt concepts can emerge: concepts that are dangerously closer to the unreasonable and can be rather produced than interpreted.
Published in Cadernos de Subjetividade No 15. Sao Paulo: n-1, 2013, and Bezna #4.
Connected to the text Second Body by Florin Flueras and to the performance Second Body.
A thing which doesn't coincide with itself is a frightful micro-cosmology. Healthy thought ceaselessly introduces a succession of time or a minimum causality in order to distance the indistinguishably different points and soften up the reasoning process. Usually, in classical philosophy time has privilege over space, so that space is created in time, one cannot think the emergence of form and space without the ticking causality of time, emergence without anteriority. Blurred thinking or better said patho-logical thinking (patho-logical is collapsing the logic of sense, of pathos and an impaired, diseased logic, a counterintuitive, stubborn and humiliating logic) can only grasp the necessity of uncertainty, of a blunt identity, of emergence without anteriority.
A diseased world from which time has been severed is a suffocating breathless world of absolute instance, of infinitesimal nowness where emergence equals eternity and events don't happen, they just are, frozen in a snapshot of overlapping actualized potentials. It is a deaf vibrancy, a non-acoustic oscillation of matter-strings, a traumatic sensorium, an inhuman regime. It is not anymore a vibrant matter(l) which folded onto a plane produces an unstable map of forces and trajectories, but a stabile instability, a map of the untraceable, the unrepresentable only a sadistic, suicidal thought could try to think. A productive paralysis similar with the "cruel thought" of Antonin Artaud. This collapse of movement and stability, this grounding of the ungroundable would be a world at the limit of thought, without process, a world of contradiction and paradox, of despair and catastrophic reason.
In mathematics, a point which doesn't coincide with itself is a collapse of a regime of representation, the one made available and habitual by the Cartesian coordinates, where two values - the abscissa respectively the ordinate - determine uniquely a point. Taking seriously a non-Euclidean geometry (where there exist two lines that never will or can meet) and thinking intensely two different points with the same coordinates (a contradictory identity) can produce psychic unrest and nervous breakdowns. Under this regime of representation coming infinitely close to nonrepresentation, where analogy is out of place and analysis is close enough to paralysis new corrupt concepts can emerge: concepts that are dangerously closer to the unreasonable and can be rather produced than interpreted.
Published in Cadernos de Subjetividade No 15. Sao Paulo: n-1, 2013, and Bezna #4.
Connected to the text Second Body by Florin Flueras and to the performance Second Body.